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Along with our On Property sale, we are selling large amounts of bulls and stud heifers straight out of the paddock. This is our preferred method of selling.


At ANC we make a point of using different exclusive genetics.


We imported a few straws of RELIEF, a privately owned Paris Champion at great expense, as well as OFFENBACH also a Champion.


Both these bulls have had a massive impact in getting our best cows by embryoing to produce stand out foundation cows and stud sires in every calf.  It was evident of the quality when it came to vaccinating them at Glenvale.


FLEURON VB, OXFORD and  IDEALISTE also producing very similar results evident with siring the top price of our sales in various years.


VOLTIGEUR imported later, son of PICADOR Paris Champion 2003 excellent cows and 2 sons in use.


Poll bulls were tried for example, the new bull UT DE REVE who clicked with JUMPER’S daughters and a few exceptional cows through EMBRYOING which started on a role of POLL FULL FRENCH. Now generations on we have a lot of POLLS that are so good we are no longer using horned bulls.


The POLLS are exceptional and really do stand out. This is because we put the polls over the best cow  we always have. Our cows are so strong and powerful in their breeding and genetics that they do not fail to impress us with the quality that comes through in our polls.

We are now AI ing to new imported poll French sires, maybe turning fully poll in years to come. We insist in genetic diversification with these genetics exclusive to ANC. You will not find in any other studs, only using the best from France with proven figures on the bulls and studying  his parentage as well !


We have strict guidelines on calving ease and milking ability which with a long wait these figures are shown in France Herd Book special qualification a 325 page publication, these figures are very accurate for the reason they are not published until they have happened. There is no forward guessing hence there is very little variation in the figures over time.

Along with genetics is feeding, we try to do as little as possible, all cattle must handle droughts, floods, flys, pests and go in calf each year to one of our stud Charolais sires without causing us any work.

We do not grow oats or crops due to the lack of rainfall. so a few months of feed assistance before a bull sale is necessary to show their potential. They are kept in grass paddocks.


We do not aim for big fat figures, these can be achieved at the bulls expensed of a long life. Just hitting prime condition is enough for us even if fat depth is low you will get another year out of his life rather than over feeding ,  possibly contributing to less fertility and reducing their life span, usually from fighting.


We no longer show we have found that show bulls are full of themselves, fighting with other bulls until they eventually lose to a more harden bull with tragic results.

Along with our On Property sale, we are selling large amounts of bulls and stud heifers straight out of the paddock. This is our preferred method of selling.

To find out more about ANC Reference Sires, please visit the Reference Sires page or click on the images and links on this page.



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